Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Positive Thinking Goes a Long Way....

It's been an eternity since I've posted...
I've completed my Master's degree now.
I've bought another car and kicked ass on its purchase.
I'm pregnant with our second little one- 8 weeks or less left to go.
I'm still working full time but exploring my options to figure out how to make more money with this new degree.
We were in the process of trying to buy a house- but my husband has lost his job- so we're back to square one on that...and too bad too- because we were locked in on one hell of an interest rate if we had found something to buy. (it just wasn't meant to be, I guess....)
Which leads me to my point...
I've gotten pretty far just thinking positively, not allowing myself to indulge in negative thoughts which could potentially lead to my demise in any number of situations. So, I'm thinking positively that my husband will find a new job- one he'll love and be happy with. I'm putting positive energy into this whole home-buying process....that when we're meant to buy a house- we'll get a lot of house for our money- and the absolutely perfect home for us. I'm putting positive thought into this pregnancy- while we don't know what we're having, we'll be all set for another boy- and if it's a girl, we've got a lot of hand-me-downs that we've heard will come our way to help us prepare for that new joy. I'm also putting positive thought into whatever I'm supposed to be doing with my life...
So I have this degree, but music has always been my passion. I've always been too afraid to put myself out there...too afraid to be rejected or embraced....afraid that I'd have to sacrifice something of myself to make music a priority in my life...and it's all because I haven't put positive thinking into that area of my life...I haven't invested in it. I think it's time to put some good energy into something that fulfills my being, don't you?
What are you doing to invest positive energy into your life?

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